Monday, 4 December 2023


 We have just returned from a two week break in Sri Lanka, staying in Waikkal on the beach.  I have done a post on my travel blog which is *HERE!!!!* if you would like to read.

Two weeks away from the allotment and, despite sun and sand, I thought about it a lot! couldn't wait to get down there and check it out.  All ticking over nicely with leeks, parsnips and sprouts for Christmas.  

My oldest son stayed at the house while we were away and his brother stayed over and cooked for him on days off.  Mollie stayed at kennels and the boys brought her home the day we arrived back. 

It's good to be home and the first thing on my list today after making a start on the suitcase unpacking, is to go for a swim at the local pool - back to work tomorrow!



  1. I've enjoyed looking at your photos from Sri Lanka. Such a lovely hotel and delicious food! You could be relaxed there knowing that your sons were taking care of home.
    Wishing you a smooth return to work , and continuous satisfaction from your allotment!

    1. Thank you Duta. My sons did take care of things well and the cat too! I still worried though as am a worrier, I spoke to them on whatsapp nearly every day - they sent pictures of what they were cooking for dinner and a few pics of the tidy kitchen to reassure me!

  2. Glad you had a nice break away . How nice to come home and find lots of beautiful vegetables ! My sprouts grew to about twelve inches tall and haven't done anything ....I'm going to leave them in , I guess at some point they will put up their flower spires .Have you had snow up there ?

    1. No snow here. I have one bed of sprouts that are getting too big and another bed that has not grown much and hs sprouts the size of marbles! you just can't win - thats the fun I suppose, the surprises/successes and even failures as I learn from them - the weedy ones were 50p for 8 as were half dead - lesson learned is its worth paying for healthy ones

  3. So envy your ability to do long haul!!At the mo, I'm having enough trouble getting out of bed in the morning what with this dreary weather an' all!Off over to Magic Carpet!xxx

    1. We fly via Dubai (or whatever is appropriate), breaking the journey often makes it cheaper and it gives your bum a rest from all that sitting! plus even a few hours in an airport can be interesting when it's somewhere exotic :)

  4. How wonderful that you got a 2 week break Betty - I popped over to your travel blog & your photos looked amazing. A lovely place where you stayed by the looks of it & nice weather too. Glad you are enjoying your allotment so much! xx

    1. Thank you Julie - there's always something to do on my allotment - even now in the dead of Winter I can go and cover my rhubarb to force it, check my christmas parsnips and sprouts and spread some manure!

  5. Hello :=) What a nice surprise to see your currant blog post. Why did you change from WOOD FAIRY? I'm amazed that you enjoy your allotment so much, that even on holiday you missed it. Lovely holiday photos. The only gardening I do these days is dead heading and I also prune overgrown shrubs.I also experiment with cutting, and so far, they have all taken,....isn't it rewarding to see them first appear.
    All the best

    1. HI Sonjia, thanks for stopping by, I had to end my Wood Fairy blog as blogger wasn't giving me access to post pictures, I don't know why, there were various glitches on there so I started Elderberry-Rob. I keep my travel blog separate as some folk only want to read about travel and not the fluffy stuff :) Betty



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