Tuesday 23 April 2024


Hi bloggers.  I have been a bit under the weather but feeling more like me again now :)  Sorry I have been quiet over here.   I have been visiting your blogs and leaving comments.
some of my pics are still coming out sideways.. sorry :)

On sunny afternoons I have really benefitted from being on my allotment for a while.  I was starting feel almost phobic about going outside so this has been very helpful.  I have put my home made compost across the plot and  planted potatoes, beetroot, lettuce, carrot and spring onion seeds.  Below is my insignificant looking potato for  the plot holders competition to grow the biggest crop -  judging in August.

At home I gave the lawn its first haircut of the year, I have tulips and grape hyacinth in the borders and have cleaned my pots ready for tomato growing.  Seedlings are on windowsills indoors, but very stringy despite repotting.   My conservatory is crammed with indoor and outdoor plants  my lemon tree and lemon verbena.

My very good friend Annie sent me this beautiful gardeners journal, I wanted one for ages, she must be telepathic!  Thankyou  so much Annie!  The card is a keeper too as it's like my little Mollie.  Annie and I have been blogging and  chatting on WhatsApp/phone  for years! 

I want to avoid cleaning products that are harmful to the environment, a lot of the things I have used are damaging to marine life for example and go straight down the drain to the sea and it bothers me ... My current read is Nancy Birtwhistles Clean & Green (eco friendly cleaning recipes; everything I tried so far works and I now make my own fabric softener, and bathroom/kitchen cleaner.  The main ingredients for everything seem to be white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, vegetable glycerine and citric acid, all of which I have bought online in bulk).  I found glass bottles to store the mixtures in can be expensive so am using empty wine bottles which are ideal (double benefit there!).
Some new cushions have brightened our lounge.  We took our limp tired sofa cushions to a local factory that fills upholstery for hotels, etc., to be restuffed, they were more than happy to do our small job and the sofas now have a new lease of life, they are 15 years old!
I recently got a lift and enjoyed a few hours in Brighton on the beach - the sea air was a real tonic.  It was chilly so I wore my fake fur coat and warm boots.  Having spent holidays there as a child with my grandmother and her three eccentric sisters, it always feels like coming home :)

Thankfulness:  seeing the bluebells near here, sitting in the garden with a cup of tea in the sun (coat  on as chilly), walking to my allotment for exercise and fresh air.  My soup maker for nourishing easy lunches,  My family.  My little cat.  Time: taking a slow but positive pace and knowing that there's always tomorrow.  

Back soon.  


 Our third visit to Istanbul was as enjoyable as the previous ones; staying this time for 3 nights  at Radisson Sultanahmet on the European ...