Sunday, 4 June 2023

this week

After my 30 lengths at the swimming pool, strawberries and greek yoghurt for breakfast and a quick squirt of sun lotion,  I had visions of a whole day on t'allotment but it's been so hot that would probably have ended in heatstroke.  Maybe I should grow lots of tall sunflowers to provide shade, my plot is sunny all day round - lucky me!  

Hubby is able to get me a regular supply of spent filter coffee from a cafe near work, I have been busily filling my composter and spreading it round my tomatoes and runner beans to keep slugs away - everything smells lovely :)

My red onions have been eaten raw in salads and were delicious.  I have become obsessed with woodchip! It makes everything so tidy.

Apart from allotmenteering (is that a new word?) I had a day trip to Brighton - first time lying on the pebble beach this year! (although I have had some lovely foreign beach holidays, Brighton is still special as my 3 aunties lived here and their sister (my granny) took me to stay with each of them every Summer. 

 They all sat on the beach in stripy canvas deck chairs while I splashed about on the shoreline.  This merry-go-round  must have been there all my life.

120 quid for a T-rex vinyl album, wish I had kept all mine.

I like wandering Brighton Lanes, there are some  pretty little front gardens off there - just look what you can cram into one  about 4 x 1 metre

My posts are brief as I have to wear a splint for 8 weeks due to arthritis in my thumbs.  I am managing to work ok and get on with most things but it can get very achy at times.  Currently I don't have a home laptop, typing on my mobile phone so proves tiresome... bye for now :)


  1. The lanes in Brighton are full of wonderful sights, your photo's capture it all beautifully, I hope your thumbs improve, so you don't have to wear the splint, must be annoying not to have full movement.

  2. Sorry to hear about the arthritic thumbs. The pain must be dreadful. You can get ergonomic gardening tools to help with your grip. A bit more expensive but worth it. I planted 6 lollo rosso lettuce plants outside on Thursday. I've got 4 left this morning! So the battle of the slugs begins!i bought a new Kindle Fire when my laptop finally packed in last month. It's much easier than the other one I had so I'm making that suffice for now. Take care Betty. Will catch up

    1. Coffee grinds seems work although we had very heavy rain last night so I suspect I could be wrong and the slugs might have arrived this morning when I go to inspect!

  3. Hope that last comment showed up? It seems to have evaporated before my eyes 👀!

  4. Hi Betty .... your allotment is looking great - well done & Yes I can totally vouch for woodchip - it is wonderful. I love your photos of Brighton - it looks like a place I would very much love to wander around. I hope the thumb heals soon Betty - I cant blog on my phone - it does my head in. xx

    1. yes I dont have a laptop at the mo and blogging on my phone does my head in too!

  5. I enjoyed your allotmenteering news. I really am all about digging in the dirt. I am composting peelings, etc in a couple of corners of the garden. Hilltop Post

  6. What a fun post -- you have been a busy woman. I admire your allotment tremendously.. My garden is a mess. No rain, warm weather. I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis. I hope it clears up soon.

    1. I have been ready Adam Frost's book - he says all gardens look less than perfect and have their crap areas but we only see the best bits in magazines, tv programs (and blogs) I have ugly bits too - a huge rhubarb that's gone brown, a large are aof soil that's like cement and won't grow anything and a lot of brambles!

  7. I love your trips to Brighton, Betty. That street art is fabulous, I'd like Ganesh on my garden wall. There's something rather charming about the gaudiness of the fairground rides, isn't there? So very British!
    Between us we've still got almost every piece of vinyl we've ever bought although I did weed a few things out from my Shakin' Stevens period!
    Your allotment looks wonderful, those onions! You are lucky to have so much sun.
    I'm sorry about that horrible arthritis. I hope the steroid injections work the same magic as they did for both Jon and me. xxx

    1. Hi Vix, I love those fairground horses. A relative of ours has the most wonderful job repairing/maintaining these fairground rides, it's a skill that is dying out - they will soon be museum pieces.

  8. Betty! I've just found you again! I haven't blogged in a long time; was just reading through some old entries and found your comments. It's nice to see you're still writing and traveling. And I was interested when you mentioned coffee grounds keeping slugs away - I hadn't heard that but shall definitely have to give it a try!
    ~ Laura LaHaug

    1. Hi Laura, I don't know how to find your blog! leave a comment if you are still blogging so I can find you - how lovely to hear from you :)

  9. Eh up Betty love, so lovely to see your allotment and Brighton. If allotmenteering wasn't a word, it certainly is now. My folks have invented a word for their neighbour who's a vicar. They say he "goes off vicarring". Your plot does look super tidy with the woodchip & aren't those onions corkers! It's so lovely to return to places where one has happy childhood memories. Instant good vibes and holiday feelings. Now, could someone please direct Mr Bowie to the toilet. He looks like he's been caught short. Wouldn't want him to spoil the spandex! (RIP David - I truly loved him) xXx

  10. p.s. take it easy with the thumbs - hope it improves xXx

  11. I wish I could have joined you in Brighton!

  12. Great and interesting pictures. Like that drawing net to the letter box.

  13. I'm glad of your success with your allotment. Keep up the good work!
    Tall sunflowers are a good idea for providing shade!
    Wishing you a quick healing of the thumbs!



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