Saturday, 13 May 2023

May Hedgerows and Bluebells

I am getting behind with my blog, in the UK this month  we saw our new King and Queen crowned and had a Street party to celebrate...

we all put bunting on our houses and in the town, also there was some yarn bombing, this one was at our supermarket, the king  queen, a soldier and paddington bear, who has become eternally entwined with the late queen Elizabeth since the spoof tv clip she did for us all (tea with queen and a marmalade sandwich,)

We went up to Outwood windmill this week but were a little too late for the usual spectacular carpet of blue that I was looking forward to so much .... the bluebells were dying off... nonetheless we saw beautiful fields of yellow (rapeseed?) and it was still a good walk.

In the small pocket of woodland behind our own house the bluebells were still in full swing on my walk to the allotment and also lots of wild garlic

The allotment is now  crammed with potatoes, runner beans, carrot and beetroot.

Wild garlic is flowering in the woods around here and smells strong!

The hedgerows round here are at their best ...

herb robert, borage, garlic, hawthorn.  We have silver birch trees behind the house that generate a lot of pollen, the men suffer hayfever so we are keeping the windows shut to avoid that thin film of yellow pollen that covers everything.  

Its been a slow start for my pumpkin and tomato seedlings, still indoors but come out when the sun shines, then I whizz them back indoors again when it's chilly.

How's your garden growing?


  1. Lovely to see all those wildflowers.
    Our garden is a bit behind, between me sowing things late and the chilly breeze..even affecting things in the greenhouse

  2. Allotment's looking great! We have a Coronation crochet topper on our postbox too! Enjoy your

  3. It is so lovely to see the Spring flowers bursting from the hedgerows, and even on some our verges and roundabouts here.
    I am only planting tomatoes this year and they are growing well. No potatoes, no other vegetables except for one courgette! Eating for one means I dont need all the extras.

  4. I love the yarn bombing Betty & I hope folk leave it alone & don't destroy or vandalise it. It looks wonderful. I watched quite a bit of the Kings Coronation but not all of it. I love watching royalty - it brings me great pleasure to see all the pomp & ceremony - I know lots of folk don't like it but I do. Its looking very spring like in your part of the world ... your allotment will give you so much produce. How wonderful Betty. xx

  5. That post box is so cute. May your pumpkin and tomato seedlings flourish.

  6. Your allotment is looking wonderful. I have been mowing around the world it seems ~ Paths to walk and along our long country lane. I waited late to do this because of the bees and butterflies. You will be dressed perfectly for whatever the occasion.

  7. Street party, how fun can that be.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.



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