Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Retirement - month 1 and not counting!

 The postman was a frequent visitor over the past month,  bringing birthday pressies;  

Above: I received this book from my long time blogging buddy, *Annie * which is just what I would have chosen for myself. Full of sustainable  home making ideas: making your own cleaning products and delicious recipes too.  I'm really enjoying it


Below: I've been painting:  Hubby insisted the paintwork was fine but it does look a lot better with the ceiling and coving refreshed and the walls are now a deeper shade of the same greeny grey,  so I'm happy - I really enjoy decorating and it only took  2 x 3 hour sessions over 2 days.

Does it look a bit minimalist?  my dearly departed mother used to call my home 'the sterile unit'.  Maybe a pic on the wall - but I never have found one I truly like and want to look every day - a mirror? no, would get bored looking at myself.  a window would be good.

The allotment is weed free and dug ready for planting.   I emptied out my compost bin, which was full of gloriously rich black compost with lots of worms, I spread it over 25% of my plot and intend to plant sweetcorn into it soon.   - I am currently chitting potatoes at home but today I just had to get cracking and I hope it isn't a tad early as re-planted the gladiolis I lifted last year.  I still  have  flower bulbs to go in from a recent deal on Thompsons website for a bulk buy of mixed flower bulbs.  

I have also signed up for the annual potato growing competition - we compete for the biggest and heaviest crop.  Mine was lucky 13 and it went into the tub on the plot this morning - you arent allowed to take your potato off site - it had already been chitted for me, so hopefully is off to a good start.

My birthday bouquet from hubby is still going strong, I have only removed the giant lilys as he's allergic to them (the pollen is also dangerous to cats).  After well over 3 weeks they are still looking beautiful - kept in the unheated conservatory.

This is my first month of retirement and I have been busy all the time and can find plenty to fill my days.  Youngest son moved out today (again) and in with his girlfriends family.  I have a spare room with a table! Although I fully expect one of my sons to come back at any time and claim it! 

On Thursday I went on the monthly walk with the allotment holder group, it ended at a pub, a nice walk across fields, saw a few snowdrops, was bitterly cold.  Some folk went on for a pub lunch, I might do that next time.

On another walk, with hubby, through the woods behind our house we disturbed what looked to be a white owl, unlikely,  it was most probably a barn owl.  It was swooping low about 10 feet from us and circled many times.  We also saw young deer peeking from the trees!

I tidied out some cupboards and found some of my art supplies - maybe next week there will be time for  a little painting? 

We're off on a day trip tomorrow, will try not to forget to take photos!



  1. Lovely to hear about the beginnings of your retirenment!

    1. It's a whole new world! don't think I will ever be bored, so much to do!

  2. Off to a flying start! Love the recipes in the book.Good luck to T on his move. If you cut the systems out of the lillies, they last longer and saves any staining on walls and furniture too. We had a very sharp frost last night so not much gardening here yet!Enjoy your day trip.xxx

    1. I had some lillies that opened later and so cut the stamens and enjoyed their huge blooms, thank you :)

  3. Annie's book was a brilliant choice, it looks just up my street, too.
    The greenish grey of your walls would be a brilliant backdrop for a cluster of gilt, bronze, copper and brass mirrors - they'd match that cool looking lamp, too. I love mirrors, not to look in but for how they reflect the light and give the impression of a window.
    Your allotment plans sound very exciting and I bet you've enjoyed today's walk if you've had the same sunshine as us. Can't wait for the photos. x

  4. Ha Ha on the sterile unit. I love the look! I look forward to more about the allotment. We do not plant until the middle of next month. I am a bit envious of your compost.

    1. Never thought i would value compost and red worms so highly! but it's an achievement Im proud of :)

  5. I am inspired how you took on your free time after retirement dear Betty πŸ‘Œ

    I really enjoyed the glimpse of your home after you painted it πŸ₯° soothing and elegant colours indeed πŸ‘β™₯️
    How wonderful and to have the bouquet your hubby brought you on your birthday 😍 can’t even think of having bouquet here for longer than one or two days hardly due to heat.
    Your friend gifted you wisely,now I can use it to cherish more activities.
    Best of luck for potato competition πŸ‘πŸ™‚πŸ€—
    I too am about to start yearly deep cleaning as Eid is one week away now.
    I would love to see your beautiful art πŸ₯°πŸ˜β™₯️

    1. Thank you Baili, hope the Eid Spring clean goes well, I really enjoy a big clean up!



I haven't been to The City area of London for about 30 years.   I had a great career there in my younger days (cv below).  It felt very ...