Sunday, 28 July 2024


 I had a week of annual leave spent at home.   It's been lovely to go to my allotment and get home grown salad leaves, onions, potatoes and beetroot for our dinners and to sit in the garden with a pile of library books.

On Mondays I go to a swimming lesson at my local pool, it's only £3.50 for members to get 45 minutes in a group of 8 with a tutor who helps you to improve your technique, learn new strokes or even learn to swim from scratch! they welcome all levels and we have got to know each other and really enjoy the session together.  Last week we had water baseball (the nets float on the water).

Home made scones! ... I'm getting plump.. not the only one, looks like Mollie has put a bit of weight on which we have been working on for ages!

I bought from the garden centre and planted celeriac today and a yellow courgette.  Most of my allotment is grown from seed but I can't resist something new if I can find a space.
This is a small plot, 60 feet square so I have had to cram a lot in.. I have sweetcorn  runner beans, yin yang beans, cauliflower, beetroot, sprouts   parsnips, spinach, red onions, spring onions, herbs, potatoes, lettuce, pumpkins and flowers!

My garden has been a bit neglected, the lawn has been covered in that pretty weed/herb  self heal, bees love it.  Now this is being superceded by white clover.

Lemon trees are growing fruit and flowers and sweet peas are filling a dull corner with colour and perfume.

How's your garden growing?


I haven't been to The City area of London for about 30 years.   I had a great career there in my younger days (cv below).  It felt very ...