Thursday, 16 March 2023

more kolkata

I found blogger will allow me to publish pics intermittently. Hope you enjoy seeing more of Kolkata..

We did not need a guide in kolkata as the metro system is good and we like walking. We walked about 8 miles two days running and found Howra Bridge, the flower market on my previous post is there, we were surprised we never saw any other tourists.. we then walked to College Street, famous for books and the Coffee House, which has been running for over 100 years. The coffee was very nice and the Indian people wanted to talk to us and were curious. We then walked to the fruit market and back to hotel via the Metro. If you get lost everyone wants to help so its easy to explore and you never know what you will see.... People washing their laundry, a bull stampeding through traffic, people asking for selfies and engaging in chats. The coloured dye powder on the markets was preparation for Holi festival when everyone gets covered! ... now the pictures ...


  1. The Indian Coffee House is an institution in South India - they're amazing places, the waiters are always lovely and the prices are brilliant!
    Fabulous photos, keep them coming! I wish I was there! xxx

  2. Some other bloggers is having issue with blogger. At current time I'm not.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Hello Betty, with the power of t' internet I found you! Oh it looks like you are having a wonderful time over there. Please save some long grapes and good coffee for me. I'm off to see your other posts... :) Lulu xXx

  4. Looks like you are having a good trip.
    So nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. Wonderful photos Betty. I am able to follow you here now - YaY!!

  6. Kolkata is an interesting place.



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