Sunday, 23 March 2025


I haven't been to The City area of London for about 30 years.   I had a great career there in my younger days (cv below).  It felt very different to my commuter days -  the underground trains have better seats, are cleaner and less crowded, the streets have less traffic... we walked from London Bridge to the Walkie Talkie building to see the Sky Garden.   We had pre-booked although 'walk-ins' were being accepted. 

 It is very warm up there on the 37th floor to enable the jungle area of tropical plants to flourish - a mini Kew Gardens greenhouse kind of vibe but not as much greenery as I had expected, large areas are for the bar and a restaurant although there are areas amongst the greenery where you can sit with a cocktail or coffee - the views are spectacular - a tourist could tick a lot of boxes on their to do list from one standing position ... We could see the Shard, the Gherkin and Tower of London, all the way out to Canary Wharf and numerous rooftop gardens on high rise buildings  that gave a surprisingly green London landscape when looked at from above!  

We then took the tube over to Kensington where we had lunch at Dishoom - I had always wanted to go there since my blogging friend *Vix* posted of visits to her local.  We weren't disappointed.  Dishoom Kensington is situated in the old, iconic Barkers building, much of the original art deco decor remains and they even have Jazz music some nights with live band.  The food was authentic and beautifully presented.  This was a birthday treat - birthday still rolling!   

I had paneer roomali roll which is a handkerchief bread wrapped around paneer, onions, peppers, green leaves, with a cooling mint chutney.  It was hot, spicy and delicious and went well with a Kingfisher beer.

Hubby had chicken 'berry Britannia' - a biryani which  was layered with meat, spices and basmati rice, in a heavy lidded pot, spiced with ginger, garlic, mint and corriander. Light and delicately flavoured,  Kingfisher beer and we also shared vegetable samosas which we asked to have brought with the main so we could make full use of those deliciious dips!  My favourite was a corriander, mint and mango cooling dip.

Sitting in Dishoom, I remembered as a teenager taking the bus to Kensington High Street regularly to sit in the windows of the same building, which was then Biba fashion store.  There were once fabulously oppulent velvet chairs in the floor to ceiling shop windows where you could sit and pose, hoping to be 'discovered' as a model.   Shopping for fashion in those days was exciting, over the knee boots, jewellery, make up and clothing all in the same place, dark inside, crowded and blasting out pop music of the 70s era,  It's hard to tell which part was Biba now as the buildings are now a massive food supply hall and M&S further along.  

We took the Circle Line to see the Science Museum, we had booked - hubby wanted to see the flight section and I was interested to see the medicine section - a very brief visit as we only had an hour before closing, but a pleasant end to the day.

Above: 1. First aviation engine capable of taking off vertically without need of a runway.

Above 2. Space shuttle.

Above 3. Storage jar depicting a colonic flush methinks!

Too cold for the allotment today despite the promise of sunshine between showers on the forecast, so I spent the day researching Slimming World recipes as we both need to shed some weight.  Then I went through my wardrobe and made a nice pile to put on EBay.  I have tried Vinted but it doesn't seem to get the same interest.  I also had about 2 hours sleep in the afternoon - a new luxury of retirement, sleep when I want!

*Brief CV!  A career change in the 80s/90s took me to the City of London as a personal assistant in merchant banks; first to the Sales/Trading Floor MD, then later to the VP of Legal & Compliance, over a span of 16 years.  I learned to be flexible and when the financial crisis hit and many lost their jobs, I was kept on as a floating secretary,  providing cover for the Chairman's office, Company Secretary or anyone who needed me, organising large corporate events, roadshows/corporate travel!  I met some interesting people, some well known! I even participated in arranging personal visits/security clearance for the then Prince Harry to visit for after school tea at my employers family home.  My career in the corporate world was fun, long hours and hard work, well paid, but it seems like another life now, I don't miss the 1 1/2 hour early morning commute, or often going home in the small hours of the morning in a rattling old black taxi across London with a luke warm pizza on my lap!  

We are back in London in a few days time to see the Ideal Home Exhibition for which we have free tickets thanks to - always worth a look on this website for freebies.


Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Retirement - month 1 and not counting!

 The postman was a frequent visitor over the past month,  bringing birthday pressies;  

Above: I received this book from my long time blogging buddy, *Annie * which is just what I would have chosen for myself. Full of sustainable  home making ideas: making your own cleaning products and delicious recipes too.  I'm really enjoying it


Below: I've been painting:  Hubby insisted the paintwork was fine but it does look a lot better with the ceiling and coving refreshed and the walls are now a deeper shade of the same greeny grey,  so I'm happy - I really enjoy decorating and it only took  2 x 3 hour sessions over 2 days.

Does it look a bit minimalist?  my dearly departed mother used to call my home 'the sterile unit'.  Maybe a pic on the wall - but I never have found one I truly like and want to look every day - a mirror? no, would get bored looking at myself.  a window would be good.

The allotment is weed free and dug ready for planting.   I emptied out my compost bin, which was full of gloriously rich black compost with lots of worms, I spread it over 25% of my plot and intend to plant sweetcorn into it soon.   - I am currently chitting potatoes at home but today I just had to get cracking and I hope it isn't a tad early as re-planted the gladiolis I lifted last year.  I still  have  flower bulbs to go in from a recent deal on Thompsons website for a bulk buy of mixed flower bulbs.  

I have also signed up for the annual potato growing competition - we compete for the biggest and heaviest crop.  Mine was lucky 13 and it went into the tub on the plot this morning - you arent allowed to take your potato off site - it had already been chitted for me, so hopefully is off to a good start.

My birthday bouquet from hubby is still going strong, I have only removed the giant lilys as he's allergic to them (the pollen is also dangerous to cats).  After well over 3 weeks they are still looking beautiful - kept in the unheated conservatory.

This is my first month of retirement and I have been busy all the time and can find plenty to fill my days.  Youngest son moved out today (again) and in with his girlfriends family.  I have a spare room with a table! Although I fully expect one of my sons to come back at any time and claim it! 

On Thursday I went on the monthly walk with the allotment holder group, it ended at a pub, a nice walk across fields, saw a few snowdrops, was bitterly cold.  Some folk went on for a pub lunch, I might do that next time.

On another walk, with hubby, through the woods behind our house we disturbed what looked to be a white owl, unlikely,  it was most probably a barn owl.  It was swooping low about 10 feet from us and circled many times.  We also saw young deer peeking from the trees!

I tidied out some cupboards and found some of my art supplies - maybe next week there will be time for  a little painting? 

We're off on a day trip tomorrow, will try not to forget to take photos!


Friday, 28 February 2025


 I reached 66 on 24th of the month and retired, I now get state pension and a bus pass!

At work I was surprised with beautiful bouquets on my leaving day, lots of good wishes and fond farewells, even personal appearances from colleagues who usually work from home.  I almost jogged off the premises I was so happy to go!  I have enjoyed my job (sending assistance for home and motor emergencies) but not so much 21 years of late shifts, angry customers and, since Covid, empty offices - a result of the new notion that work from home is best - I don't agree.  I missed the buzz of productivity, the banter and presence of having people physically 'there'.  So happy to retire ,but sorry to go, if you know what I mean.

After the big farewell at work there was my birthday to celebrate.  A beautiful bouquet of pink and white flowers from hubby, balloon (never had a birthday balloon before!), chocolate, pressies, and a fabulous night out at Shiraz, a local Turkish restaurant, delicious food and my first porn star martini cocktail with accompanying shot, ending with cake and giant sparklers.  The best bit was having hubby and both my sons with me to celebrate.

I had vegetarian dishes:  haloumi starter, stuffed peppers main and birthday cake to finish.  Everyone else had falafel or hummus starter  and for mains either mixed meat grill, kebab or lamb shank.  The food was really good.

I have been seeing some truly beautiful sunsets from the allotments and clear starry skies on our meeting nights.

On Wednesday I met a friend at The Light in Redhill, this is a newly built cinema complex with really comfy armchair seats that don't flip back when you stand up! what a novelty, We saw Bridget Jones, Mad about the Boy, in which Leo Woodall plays Roxter the Essex boy(friend) well .



.  I have been binge watching White Lotus series 1 and 2.  It's addictive and I am now up to date and on the current series 3.  Sky Atlantic.


The White Lotus - Wikipedia

I have started back at the gym after a break of 3 months due to tendonitis in my left side.  I will go back to swimming in the warmer months as I can't bear being cold and the changing rooms at our pool are chilly.  

Our allotment social group have started a monthly walk.  I joined the February walk through some beautiful woodland around Beare Green/Newdigate area, which is quite local for me (Surrey).  Car shares to a nearby starting point were arranged and after parking up we set off on a very easy 4km round  stroll, ending at the Surrey Oaks pub, Newdigate, for lunch. 

Source: tripadvisor

Originally a wheelwrights cottage and built in the 14th century it is now a CAMRA real ale pub with a great selection of beers and ciders.   It offers beers from the local Surrey Hills Brewery.

The celebrations continued on Thursday late afternoon/evening at the allotments where we have a shelter and wood burning stove.  We all brought food and prosecco, samosas, dips, flat breads, a fabulous home made biscotti cake and a lots of logs on the stove!

Im off to check my allotment today and it's time to plan what to plant this Spring.

Friday, 31 January 2025


We have had quite a few red morning skies in sunny Surrey this month.  On a recent Sunday morning  when I walked across the frosty lawn to take this pic, it made a delightful crunching noise.  

When it's cold like this the air sounds different and the birds are silent saving all their energy to fluff up and keep warm.  The garden is barren but I can see my mini daffodils pushing through the soil and my honeysuckle has sent out some shoots.

The allotments have had spectacular sunsets.

We had just one evening of snow, washed away by heavy rain next day.  A fleeting glimpse of Narnia.  The recent high winds took a fence down behind my allotment, which was swiftly replaced by the local council, I went up last week and covered the paths in woodchip - 6 barrow loads.  My onions and garlic are doing ok but celeriac hasn't got bigger than a parsnip so not expecting much there.  I bought my seed potatoes last week and am storing in the garage until time to chit.

When anyone is at the allotment and decides to  put the kettle on (there's a donated wood burning stove) and make the shelter cosy, they often send out a little message to us all on our whatsapp group saying 'kettles on' - this is in addition to our regular Thursday evening 'gathering' where anyone can join in who owns a plot, bringing snacks to share,  a bottle or a flask.  We have a pizza oven, a gas bbq and a fire pit, all donated so we are always cosy and often cook our dinner on the Thursday nights and share.  The shelter was built by the Stewards from free donated wooden pallets.

I got the Thomson and Morgan 161 bulbs for £9.99 offer!   some will go in the garden but most on the allotment.  There are 2 beehives on the plot at the very end of the site and although they are likely to travel miles to get their nectar, I thought I would do my bit for bees in general so am growing more flowers than veg this year.  The hives are owned by retiree plot holders who went on a bee keeping course and bought all the correct safety equipment to comply with our Town Council regulations.  although the hives are theirs, they share the experience, we can all come and observe (they even have spare beekeeper suits to borrow).

Our allotment group has started a monthly walk (heading to a suitable pub for lunch and then either walking back or getting lifts off others who have just come for the lunch only, dogs can come too) which I am going to join in March when I am retired.  I am looking forward to walking in the woods and fields with everyone.

I have had several days out in Brighton recently. I spent a large chunk of the day this time in Waterstones looking at travel books and didn't venture near the sea at all - too cold!   I treated myself to some Afghan earrings from Yashar Bish recently , a shop that sells Turkish and Afghan rugs but also has a small selection of jewellery and some fabulous glass lamps.

This is Yashar Bish....

There is a lot of art like this on walls and buildings. It changes frequently.

I have new eyebrows! mine were almost non existent after years of attacking them with a razor in the 70s when it was trendy to draw them in higher and take our eyeshadow up to the original brow line!  They never grew back well so I have had microblading, small hairlike cuts filled with semi permanent ink, the tattoos will last for 6-18 months before topping up.  This is after my first session, I had a second session to fill any gaps which is currently healing.

We had our 6 monthly trip to the chiropodist.  It's so important to care for feet!  

I took advantage of a recent promotion on Eurostar and booked a trip to Paris for hubby and me in the Summer at a knockdown price (549 total for 2)  for 3 nights with hotel and breakfast.  Paris  has been on my list of things to do for a long time, there is an awful lot to cram in but I will do my best! I love train rides (I think hubby will enjoy this too).

Hubby is busy looking at a trip to India for Spring- he  does the research, booking and itinerary. I leave him to it.  Can't wait to find out what he has planned for us.  Applying for an online visa for India is challenging (for me), uploading pictures that the site will accept has proved difficult in the past but I am hoping it won't be too stressy - this is the only challenging bit in my opinion.  Drivers who don't turn up to get us to the airport, internal flights that involve a massive scrum to get through security, busy traffic with no apparent order, monkeys swinging from power cables above your head as you walk, none of that is stressy by comparison! 

On 24th February I will become a State pensioner and stop working.  I have resigned from my job and currently working notice.  My allotment, garden, house decorating and catching up with friends will take a lot of my time, not to mention, gym, swimming, listing things on Vinted and all the travel we would like to do.

Thank you for stopping by.  


I haven't been to The City area of London for about 30 years.   I had a great career there in my younger days (cv below).  It felt very ...